Labrador Retriever: A Football Wizard on the Field

Kirby, the impressive Labrador retriever, continues to make a positive impact on the lives of those he encounters. Prior to being trained as a service dog by America’s VetDogs, Kirby was an adored mascot and a “puppy with a purpose” for the Houston Texans, making them the first NFL team to participate in raising a canine whose destiny was to become a service dog. Kirby has achieved some impressive feats, including winning the highly coveted title of Most Valuable Puppy at the 2022 Puppy Bowl. Nonetheless, his most significant accomplishment took place two months ago when he officially began serving as the service dog of retired Sergeant Major Kevin Bittenbender.

After dedicating 34 years of his life to serving in the United States Army, SGM Bittenbender retired in 2018. Throughout his years of service, he faced numerous challenges, including the amputation of his left leg due to burn pit exposure in Afghanistan, as well as PTSD, a traumatic brain injury (TBI), and peripheral neuropathy in his legs and hands. Unfortunately, these conditions were partly caused by his exposure to burn pits. Fortunately, during his time undergoing rehabilitation at Walter Reed Medical Center, America’s VetDogs came into his life just when he needed them the most. SGM Bittenbender was paired with a service dog named Kirby, and together they underwent training at America’s VetDogs in preparation for their life as a team. According to SGM Bittenbender, Kirby has greatly benefited his life in countless ways.

Kirby has received special training to aid SGM Bittenbender with PTSD and tasks related to mobility. He assists his owner in navigating stairs, retrieving items while in a wheelchair, and preventing nightmares from disturbing his peaceful slumber. SGM Bittenbender highly praises Kirby’s abilities, describing him as “amazing” and his loyal companion and “battle buddy” – similar to those he had in the military. Kirby is part of a lineage that is closely linked to heroism, as he is the cousin of Sully – the service dog of the late George H.W. Bush. Sully currently serves as a facility dog at Walter Reed National Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. SGM Bittenbender is amazed by the striking resemblance between Kirby and Sully, and refers to Kirby as a younger version of the famous service dog.

Kirby has done more than just provide physical assistance to SGM Bittenbender; he has also had a significant impact on his life in just a short time. As a veteran, SGM Bittenbender has found that having Kirby with him has helped him feel more socially engaged and at peace in crowded environments. Kirby’s support even extended to accompanying SGM Bittenbender during the final mile of the Pittsburgh Marathon, where they completed the race together. This event marked the first of five races that SGM Bittenbender plans to run this year in honor of four fallen servicemembers.

Kirby has brought a new lease of life to SGM Bittenbender, reminding him of the three fundamental principles he values – having a sense of purpose, pursuing his passion, and being part of something bigger than himself. As someone who has personally benefited from having a service dog, SGM Bittenbender wishes to encourage other veterans to consider this option for themselves. He emphasizes that the wait time to be matched with a service dog through America’s VetDogs has reduced dramatically from four years to just 12 months or less.

SGM Bittenbender shares that his service dog, Kirby, brings him a sense of peace that he hasn’t felt in the last 13 years. He enjoys having Kirby around and the comfort that he brings. SGM Bittenbender encourages anyone hesitant about getting a service dog to consider it as it can be life-changing. Kirby’s loyalty and companionship have been a constant source of happiness in SGM Bittenbender’s life, and he wishes to share his story with others. Please show your support by liking and sharing this heartwarming tale with friends and family.

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